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COVID-19 : update on our operations


2 April 2020 | Published by

Last week, we notified you that we would adjust our operations following the Quebec Government order to close of all non-essential stores and services starting at midnight tonight up until April 13.

Despite this measure, we adjusted our operations to remain available for our clients through email as teleworking and online trade are authorized. We invite you to submit your request by email.

We are convinced that your day-to-day is upside down so in order to help you plan your Calefactio products supply, we want to inform you that we are shipping orders on Wednesdays and Fridays only until this measure is lifted. The teams required to ensure the orders preparation and shipping are reduced to a bare minimum and all their colleagues who can work from home are required to do so. We assure you that strict hygiene measures are in place to ensure our employee’s safety.

We will never thank enough frontline workers who are crucial for basic and emergency supply to get to reach our homes, healthcare workers, emergency child care services and all individuals working in the shadows. For those of you feeling powerless facing this pandemic, remember that you have a key role to play : limit your outings to the essential and respect hygiene measures dictated by authorities. We are all looking forward to brighter days and to regain the control of our lives, but to get there, each and everyone’s contribution is necessary.

We wish that you are staying safe, and especially healthy.

– Calefactio’s Team

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