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Meet the team – Catherine and Jean-Philippe Pichette

News, Nouvelles, Our Team

9 September 2019 | Published by

Catherine and Jean-Philippe are the 3rd entrepreneur generation of their family. Their business sense and their complementary strengths allow them to skillfully manage their business. As Catherine is concentrating on the administration and supply chain side, Jean-Philippe focuses on sales management. Surrounded by their team, they develop a catalog containing over 100 products for which only one statement remains : Improve what’s best. Continuous improvement is among their top priorities at every level – administrative process, production or development.


Catherine brings her methodic and rigorous nature to every segment of the company. This does not keep her away from having fun – besides, she is in charge of the social activities of the company, from the Christmas dinner to Summer BBQ’s! Moreover, she is actively thinking about starting a running club on lunch breaks!

She likes : Good food and good wine with friends
She hates : … her alarm clock
Something we did not know about her: she doesn’t like coriander






Customer service flows in Jean-Philippe’s veins. His clients and business partners satisfaction shape his days and it’s for this exact reason that he gives so much importance to service quality at Calefactio, whether it’s about meeting delivery schedules or the very essence of the products. Joker and good-spirited, he naturally brings people together.

He likes : Skiing and golfing
He hates : slow drivers in the left lane
Something we didn’t know about him : He broke almost every bone in his body!

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